AÑO: 1981
        Patricia Alexandra Lucía González Avellán nació en Guayaquil, Ecuador el 15 de mayo de 1943.
         Su entorno familiar fue muy musical: su madre cantaba, al igual que sus tíos paternos, quienes además tocaban el piano y la guitarra. Desde niña demostró condiciones especiales para la música, pues tocó piano desde los cuatro hasta los doce años, para luego dedicarse a la guitarra.
          Entre sus grandes amigos están la cantautora peruana Chabuca Granda, el cantautor mexicano Armando Manzanero y el pintor ecuatoriano Osvaldo Guayasamín. Se cuenta que el escritor colombiano Gabriel García Márquez, escribía durante algunas temporadas escuchando sus discos.
      En 1970 inició su carrera profesional por invitación de Santiago Bo, representante artístico argentino, quien la invitó a actuar en el Teatro 9 de Octubre de Guayaquil, alternando con el cantante cubano, Rolando Laserie. A partir de entonces ha interpretado boleros, valses peruanos, pasillos ecuatorianos, rancheras y algún tango.
         Ha cantado en diversos escenarios de Ecuador, Colombia, Perú, Venezuela, Panamá, Costa Rica, Brasil, México, Estados Unidos, Francia, Suiza, Portugal, España. Hoy en día, gracias a las nuevas tecnologías digitales, su música se escucha en más de 70 países del mundo.
         Ha sido galardonada en Ecuador, Colombia, Perú, Panamá y Estados Unidos, en reconocimiento, no sólo de su trayectoria, sino además, de su invaluable aporte a la cultura y al panorama musical.
          A lo largo de su carrera ha grabado más de 40 discos. A finales de 1968 grabó su primer disco en Bogotá, en el que incluía los boleros La torre y En un rincón del alma del compositor español Alberto Cortez. En 1970 grabó los boleros ¡Qué tontería! y Por amor, del compositor dominicano Rafael Solano. En 1980, en México, grabó un disco de rancheras y otro de música colombiana, con el guitarrista Víctor Mato. En Colombia, para el sello BMG, bajo la dirección de Josefina Severino, grabó Mis Mejores 20 Boleros en 1998. En 2003, grabó el disco A eso de las ocho, dirigido por Armando Manzanero. En 2007, en Argentina, grabó un disco en Homenaje a Chabuca Granda con el guitarrista Lucho González. Con mucho éxito en Ecuador ha grabado varios discos de pasillos. En 2016 grabó un disco de duetos en Miami bajo la dirección de Albita Rodríguez, cantante cubana ganadora de 2 Premios Grammys, en el que participaron: Andrés Cepeda, Eva Ayllón, Alejandro Jaén, Armando Manzanero, Jorge Villamizar, Amaury Gutiérrez, Antonio Carmona, Raúl Di Blasio, Albita Rodríguez, Los 3 de la Habana y Margarita Rosa de Francisco. En 2020, en celebración de su aniversario de vida artística publicó su último disco, 50 Años Cantando al Amor.
En un rincón del alma
Donde tengo la pena
Que me dejo tu adiós,
En un rincón del alma
Se aburre aquél poema
Que nuestro amor creo.
En un rincón del alma
Me falta tu presencia
Que el tiempo me robó,
Tu cara, tus cabellos
Que tantas noches nuestras
Mi mano acaricio.
En un rincón del alma
Me duelen los "te quiero"
Que tu pasión me dio,
Seremos muy felices
No te dejaré nunca...
Siempre serás mi amor.
En un rincón del alma
También guardo el fracaso
Que el tiempo me brindo,
Lo condeno en silencio
A buscar un consuelo
Para mi corazón.
Me parece mentira,
Después de haber querido
Como he querido yo,
Me parece mentira
Encontrarme tan solo
Como me encuentro hoy,
De que sirve la vida
Si a un poco de alegría,
Le sigue un gran dolor...
Me parece mentira
Que tampoco esta noche
Escucharé tu voz.
En un rincón del alma
Donde tengo la pena
Que me dejo tu adiós,
En un rincón del alma
Se aburre aquél poema
Que nuestro amor creó.
Con las cosas más bellas
Guardaré tu recuerdo
Que el tiempo no logró,
Sacarlo de mi alma,
Lo guardaré hasta el día
En que me vaya yo.


ANO: 2012
          Nancy Vieira (Guiné-Bissau, 1975) é uma cantora de origem cabo-verdiana residente em Portugal.
            Filha de pais cabo-verdianos que regressaram a Cabo Verde onde passou toda a sua infância, emigrou para Lisboa aos catorze anos. Sua estreia ocorreu em 1995, quando lançou o disco Nôs Raça. O seu estilo se caracteriza por uma fusão dos ritmos tradicionais da música de Cabo Verde com influências de outras partes do globo, nomeadamente do Brasil e Antilhas. A solo, para além de Portugal e Cabo Verde, actuou em palcos de países como Reino Unido, Países Baixos, Estados Unidos, Angola, entre outros.
            Em 1999 aparece no disco "Música de intervenção Cabo Verdiana: a história da luta de independência de Cabo Verde contada em música" com os temas "Hitler câ tâ ganhá guerra" (com Titina Rodrigues) e em "Apocalypse" com Ildo Lobo e outros nomes. Em 2004 lançou o álbum "Segred".
           Gravou a "Canção de Alterne" (Carlos Tê/Rui Veloso), no álbum A Espuma das Canções e Rui Veloso, lançado em 2005. Participa no álbum "Mentiroso Normal" da Ala dos Namorados. Cantou com o grupo e com Rão Kyao no palco Sunset Rock In Rio, Festival Rock In Rio de Lisboa em 2008.
     No âmbito da campanha de educação e sensibilização relativamente ao cancro do colo do útero, promovida pela Liga Portuguesa Contra o Cancro, Nancy Vieira participou no cd "Mulher Passa a Palavra", cantando ao lado de várias cantoras, tais como Rita Guerra, Mafalda Arnauth, Jacinta, Lúcia Moniz, entre outras.
          Gravou dueto com o cantor Dany Silva para álbum comemorativo dos seus 40 anos de carreira.
      Em parceria com o pianista e compositor português Manuel Paulo, lança em 2009 o disco Pássaro Cego. Este álbum reúne influências de diversos géneros. O trabalho, com letras de João Monge, deu origem a uma edição especial em CD e livro (pela editora Arthouse. O disco contou com a participação de vários convidados, destacando-se o cantor brasileiro Chico César na canção “Ilha dos Amantes”.
          Em 2010 participa no disco "Reintervenção" de Tributo a José Afonso) e em "Graffiti" de Júlio Pereira onde cantou "Fitisera Di Klaridon".
            Em 2012 é lançado o álbum Nô Amá através da editora Lusafrica. Em 2013 colabora no disco "Voz & Guitarra 2" onde interpreta "Corpo Encantado" em conjunto com Júlio Pereira.
Cab’verde na coraçon moda intentaçon
Pensament ta vagá ilha a ilha
Ta bscá redenção pa ca perdê graça
De um dia torna voltá pa sê praça
Cab’verde na coraçon, moda intentaçon
Ta desabrocha di nha sonho, ta saname
Ta caprichá, ma na partida
Ta fcá sempre um jurament di regress
Ta bai, m’ca ta bai, temp ta passa
M’ta fcá mi so ta lamenta bo ausência
Ta bai, m’ca ta bai, temp ta passa
M’ta fcá mi so ta consola di nha sodadi
Cab’verde na coraçon, moda intentaçon
Ta caminhá, ta rolá, pa nha lod
C’quel sentimento reforçod pa distância
Nha desejo gravod pa incerteza.


YEAR: 1987
           The Judds were an American country music duo composed of Naomi Judd and her daughter, Wynonna Judd. The duo signed to RCA Nashville in 1983 and released six studio albums between then and 1991. The Judds were one of the most successful acts in country music history, winning five Grammy Awards for Best Country Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocal, and eight Country Music Association awards. They also had 25 singles on the country music charts between 1983 and 2000, of which 14 went to No. 1. After eight successful years as a duet, the Judds ceased performing in 1991 after Naomi was diagnosed with Hepatitis C. Soon after, Wynonna embarked on a highly successful solo career. The two have occasionally reunited for special tours, the most recent of which was in 2017.
            Heartland is the third studio album released by RCA Nashville in 1987 by the American country music duo The Judds. It features the singles "Don't Be Cruel" (a cover of the Elvis Presley song), "Maybe Your Baby's Got The Blues", "Turn It Loose", and "I Know Where I'm Going". The album was released in Europe under the title Give a Little Love, as a 15-track compilation. It reached number 1 on England's country album charts in 1987, soon after The Judds toured there.
Don't be cruel
To a heart that's true
Don't be cruel
To a heart that's true
I don't want no other love
Baby, it's just you I'm thinking of
Well, you know I can be found
Sitting home all alone
If you can't come around
Well, at least please telephone
Don't be cruel
To a heart that's true
Baby, if I made you mad
For something I might have said
Please let's forget the past
'Cause the future looks bright ahead
Don't be cruel
To a heart that's true
I don't want no other love
Baby it's just you I'm thinking of
Well, now don't stop thinking of me
Don't make me feel this way
Come on over here and love me
You know what I want to say
Don't be cruel
To a heart that's true
Why should we be apart?
I really, really love you, baby, cross my heart
Well lets walk up to the preacher
And let us say I do
And then you'll know you have me
And I'll know I'll have you too
Don't be cruel
To a heart that's true
I don't want no other love
Baby it's just you I'm thinking of.

YEAR: 1966
          The Walker Brothers were an American pop group of the 1960s and 1970s that included Noel Scott Engel (eventually known professionally as Scott Walker), John Walker (born John Joseph Maus, but using the name Walker since his teens) and Gary Leeds (eventually known as Gary Walker). After moving to Britain in 1965, they had a number of top ten albums and singles there, including the No. 1 chart hits "Make It Easy on Yourself" and "The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine (Anymore)", both of which also made the US top 20 and Canadian top 2. In between the two was the lesser US hit "My Ship is Coming In", which was another major hit in Britain, where it reached No.3 in the charts. The trio split up in 1968, but reunited in the mid-to-late-1970s and scored a final top 10 UK hit with "No Regrets".
      Formed in 1964, they adopted the 'Walker Brothers' name as a show business touch even though the members were all unrelated — "simply because we liked it." They provided a unique counterpoint to the British Invasion by achieving much more success in the United Kingdom than in their home country, a period when the popularity of British bands such as The Beatles dominated the U.S. charts.
              Portrait is the second album by the American pop group The Walker Brothers. Released in 1966 the album was their most successful and reached number three on the UK Albums Chart. The group's musical accompaniment was directed by Ivor Raymonde and Reg Guest and produced by John Franz. Receiving good to mixed reviews the album was first released in both Mono and Stereo LP formats in August 1966. The album was later released on CD having been remastered and expanded in 1998. The sleeve notes were written by Keith Altham with photography by Dezo Hoffman.
         Portrait was not released in the USA. In its place Smash Records compiled The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine Anymore as the group's second album. This alternate version substituted the majority of the album's tracks with A-Sides, B-Sides and tracks from their first EP leaving only "Just For A Thrill", "Old Folks", "People Get Ready" and "Take It Like a Man".
As the sun goes down
My silent little room is growing dim
And the man next door
Is saying what a lousy day it's been
And the clock on th wall
I'd like to put its ticking to an end
In the room below
The girl is crying for her guy again
After the lights go out
What will I do?
After the lights go out
Facing the night without you
There's a pidgeon that's
Been sittin' on my window-sill all day
I guess he's lonely too
I wonder if his love has flown away
When I get upon my feet
I need a cup of coffee anyway
Someone called for you
But I hung up the 'phone - what could I say?
After the lights go out
What will I do?
After the lights go out
Facing the night without you
I don't look for her
I find her in the shadow of my mind
For she's just a girl
Who's memory will be wiped away with time
Any second now
The lamp down the street will show its light
And I just can't seem
To tear away her kisses from the night
After the lights go out
What will I do?
After the lights go out
Facing the night without you
Facing the night without you
Facing the night without you
Facing the night without you
Facing the night without you.