YEAR: 2016
          Dana Winner(born Chantal Vanlee on 10 February 1965 in Hasselt) is a Belgian singer.
             In 1990 she released her first single Op het dak van de wereld, (Dutch: "On the roof of the world"), a cover of The Carpenters' Top of the World from 1973. In 1993 she became really popular with Woordenloos(Dutch: "Without words"). However, it was only in 1995 that she released her Only hit single so far to reach the Dutch Top 40, Westenwind. This was a cover of the former hit One Way Wind by the Volendam group The Cats.
       After her first success, Dana Winner also became well known in Germany and South Africa. At the end of the 1990s, she began singing in other languages and did not release an album in Dutch between 2000 and 2006.
Each day I live
I want to be a day to give the best of me
I'm only one, but not alone
My finest day is yet unknown
I broke my heart for ev'ry gain
To taste the sweet, I face the pain
I rise and fall, yet through it all this much remains
I want one moment in time
When I'm more than I thought I could be
When all of my dreams
Are a heart beat away
And the answers are all up to me
Give me one moment in time
When I'm racing with destiny
Then in that one moment of time
I will feel, I will feel eternity
I've lived to be the very best
And I want it all, no time for less
And I've laid the plans
Now lay the chance here in my hands
Give me one moment in time
When I'm more than I thought I could be
When all of my dreams
Are a heart beat away
And the answers are all up to me
Give me one moment in time
When I'm racing with destiny
Then in that one moment of time
I will feel, I will feel eternity
You're a winner for a lifetime
If you seize that one moment in time
Make it shine
Give me
One moment in time
When I'm more than I thought I could be
When all of my dreams
Are a heart beat away
And the answers are all up to me
Give me one moment in time
When I'm racing with destiny
Then in that one moment of time
I will be, I will be free
I will be free
I will be
I will be free.


AÑO: 2004
      María Ximena Abarca Tapia (Santiago, 24 de septiembre de 1981) es una cantante de pop y folk chilena. También ha trabajado en papeles dramáticos en algunas teleseries juveniles. Actualmente reside em Australia donde es parte de la banda Huanchaco.
           Ximena Abarca participó en 2003 en el programa de telerrealidad de Canal 13, Protagonistas de la música. En el primer día fue eliminada por sus compañeros, regresando para interpretar el tango Volver de Carlos Gardel en un duelo por la permanencia en el programa. Ximena triunfa la primera semana, sin embargo, a la semana siguiente, sería nuevamente amenazada por sus compañeros, y eliminada en una estrecha votación popular. Las cualidades artísticas de Ximena Abarca convencieron nuevamente al público y logró una demoledora votación (superando el 80% del total) en el repechaje, a mediados de la transmisión del programa de telerrealidad. Luego de su reingreso, Abarca se convirtió en una de las favoritas del público y del jurado; ganado 4 veces la inmunidad por talento, y coronándose como la gran triunfadora en la final del programa. Protagonistas de la música finaliza el 7 de septiembre de ese año con Ximena Abarca en el primer lugar con un 62,78% de la votación popular, venciendo a sus contrincantes: Sebastián Longhi, Feliciano Saldías y Hernán Pelegri.
         Como ganadora del concurso de talentos, Ximena Abarca firma un contrato com Warner Music para la grabación de su primer disco solista y se inscribe como la primera artista invitada al Festival Internacional de la Canción de Viña del Mar. Sin embargo, el disco se demoró más de lo esperado y salió a la venta días antes de su debut en la Quinta Vergara. en Viña del Mar alcanzó a interpretar cuatro temas: Mala sombra, El juego de la resistencia, Amor violento y Una no es ninguna. Este último no estaba contemplado en el espectáculo inicial, y tuvo que ser interpretado puesto que el público demandaba una canción más.
       Punto de partida, su disco debut, sacó tres sencillos: El juego de la resistencia, que rotó en distintas radios de corte juvenil a los pocos días de su estreno, siendo su tema más exitoso; mientras Amor violento(el cual contó con el primer videoclip de la artista) logró estar entre los Top 50 de las canciones más tocadas durante 2004 y en los primeros lugares de los canales chilenos de video. Finalmente, su tercer sencillo, Alguien (que me hable bien de ti), quedó en el lugar 36º entre las canciones más rotadas durante el 2005.
Una no es ninguna
Me dijiste y me pareció una locura
Una pobre impresentable travesura
Que ahora causa este dolor
Una no es ninguna
Como si se tratara de uvas de un racimo
Como si fuera solo una copa de vino
En una celebración
Lloro al despertar
Porque ahora sé que tal vez siempre fuiste así
Y la fe que puse en tu fidelidad
Ahora sé quebró como un cristal
Y me pregunto
Vas a aprender a conocerte un poco más
Vas a intentar comprometerte de verdade
Vas a crecer si tú no tienes voluntad
Porque si una no es ninguna
Y tienes la cara tan dura
¿Para que seguir mintiendo
En este amor que no es amor?
Y si una no es ninguna
Voy a ser también ninguna
Para que comprendas
Lo que siento yo
Una no es ninguna
Es un torpe intento justificativo
Como si fuera una moneda en un casino
Y solo agrava la infracción
He aprendido ya
Que en la vida nada pasa por que si
Dicen que
Nadie se muere por amor
¡tengo que quererme un poco más!
Y me pregunto
Vas a aprender a conocerte un poco más
Vas a intentar comprometerte de verdad
Vas a crecer si tú no tienes voluntad
Porque si una no es ninguna
Y tienes la cara tan dura
Para que seguir mintiendo
En este amor que no es amor
Y si una no es ninguna
Voy a ser también ninguna
Y así entiendas de una vez
Que no se juega con mi amor
Y si una no es ninguna
Voy a ser también ninguna
Para que comprendas
Lo que siento yo.


YEAR: 1973
       Roland Kent LaVoie(born July 31, 1943), better known by his stage name Lobo (which is a Spanish word for wolf), is an American singer-songwriter who was successful in the 1970s, scoring several U.S. Top 10 hits including "Me and You and a Dog Named Boo", "I'd Love You to Want Me", and "Don't Expect Me to Be Your Friend". These three songs, along with "Where Were You When I Was Falling in Love", gave Lobo four chart toppers on the Easy Listening/Hot Adult Contemporary chart.
          Calumet is the third album by Lobo, released in 1973 on Big Tree Records. It was reissued in 2008 by Wounded Bird Records and includes six bonus tracks.
The album peaked at Nº 128 on the US Top LPs chart. Two of its singles were top 30 hits on the Billboard Hot 100 and top 5 hits on the Easy Listening chart. "There Ain't No Way" and its B-side "Love Me For What I Am" were minor hits on the Hot 100.
I wore the clothes you liked
You said they gave me that look
I even tried to like the food
I know you like to cook
I parted my hair on the left
I carried your arm on the right
I slept late in the morning
And I stayed out late at night.
I can't give any more of my soul away
And still look myself in the mirror everyday
I can't change any more
Of what makes me be myself
And still have enough left
Not to be somebody else
I'm not demanding as a man
Just asking you, love me for what I am.
I tried hard not to say
The things you don't like to hear
And when to you it was apropos
I nibbled on your ear
I opened the door up for you
I kept my big mouth shut
Well I've been going down
While you've been going up.


YEAR: 2020
             Lauren Spencer-Smith(born September 28, 2003) is a British-born Canadian singer-songwriter from Vancouver Island. She appeared as a contestant on the eighteenth season of American Idol in 2020, placing in the top twenty in the competition.
        Her 2019 album Unplugged, Vol, 1 was a Juno Award nominee for Adult Contemporary Album of the Year at the Juno Awards of 2020.
        In 2021, Spencer-Smith became further known internationally when her self-released song "Fingers Crossed" reached the top 20 in numerous countries, including the US, and peaked within the top ten of the charts in numerous countries including Australia, New Zealand and Spencer-Smith's native United Kingdom. This was on the back of a demo of the song going viral on TikTok. Spencer-Smith's rise to popularity and success on social media has been compared to that of American singer-songwriter Olivia Rodrigo
And another one bites the dust
Oh, why can I not conquer love?
And I might've thought that we were one
Wanted to fight this war without weapons
And I wanted it, I wanted it bad
But there were so many red flags
Now another one bites the dust
Yeah, let's be clear, I'll trust no one
You did not break me
I'm still fighting for peace
Well, I've got thick skin and an elastic heart
But your blade, it might be too sharp
I'm like a rubber band until you pull too hard
Yeah, I may snap and I move fast
You won't see me fall apart
'Cause I've got an elastic heart
Yeah, I've got an elastic heart
And I will stay up through the night
Yeah, let's be clear, won't close my eyes
And I know that I can survive
I'll walk through fire to save my life
And I wanted it, I wanted it bad
I'm doing everything that I can
Now another one bites the dust
It's hard to lose the chosen one
You did not break me
I'm still fighting for peace
I've got thick skin and an elastic heart
But your blade, it might be too sharp
I'm like a rubber band until you pull too hard
Yeah, I may snap and I move fast
You won't see me fall apart, yeah
I've got an elastic heart
Oh, whoa, oh, oh, oh, ooh, whoa
No-no, no, no
Whoa, oh, oh, oh, ooh, whoa
No-no, no, no
I've got thick skin and an elastic heart
But your blade, it might be too sharp
I'm like a rubber band until you pull too hard
Yeah, I may snap and I move fast
You won't see me fall apart
'Cause I've got an elastic heart
I've got an elastic heart
I've got an elastic heart.