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YEAR: 1972

"Talkin' Loud and Sayin' Nothing" é uma canção funk escrita por James Brown e Bobby Byrd. Gravada em 1970 por Brown e pelos membros originais dos The J.B.'s com Byrd nos backing vocals, foi lançada como single de duas partes em 1972. Alcançou o número um na parada americana Hot Soul Singles e número vinte e dois na parada Billboard Hot 100 durante a primavera daquele ano. Também aparece no álbum There It Is. O crítico Robert Christgau a chama de "a mais infecciosa das canções socialmente conscientes de Brown".
De acordo com Brown, "Talkin' Loud and Sayin' Nothing" foi "dirigida aos políticos que estavam falando besteira, mas não tinham conhecimento de como era a vida de muitas pessoas nos Estados Unidos", bem como "alguns caras com suas filosofias... que estavam dizendo às pessoas um coisa e manipulando suas emoções para o ganho pessoal." O biógrafo RJ Smith a descreve como "uma crítica aberta aos auto-nominados árbitros da justiça social" que atacaram Brown por suas posições políticas frequentemente heterodoxas.
No meio da canção Brown ordena que todos os membros da banda parem de tocar enquanto ele e Byrd mantém o ritmo usando suas próprias vozes - um dos primeiros exemplos de um breakdown.

Like a dull knife just ain't cuttin'
We're just talkin' a lot and sayin' nothing
Just sayin' nothing, just sayin' nothing
You can't tell me how to run my life down
You can't tell me how to keep my fitness sound
You can't tell me what I'm doin' wrong
When you keep jivin' and keep on singin' that same old funny song
You can't tell me which way to go
'Cause I'm six and seven and then some more
You can't tell me, hey

Like a dull knife that just ain't cuttin'
We're just talkin' a lot and sayin' nothing
Just sayin' nothing, what, sayin' nothing
Don't tell me how to do my thing
When you can't, can't do your own
Don't tell me how to feed my boy
When, when you know I'm grown
You can't use me like a woman when she throw away her dress
And you can't tell me how to use my mess
You're like a dull old knife that just ain't cuttin'
You're just talkin' a lot and sayin' nothing
Just sayin' nothing, and sayin' nothing

Shape up your bag, don't worry about mine
My thing is together and doin' fine
Good luck to you, just allow that I'm wrong
Just keep on singin' that same old funny song
Then just keep singin' that same old funny song...

I got ya, I want ya, I musta, I gotta
Isn't anxious and dust to dust
I musta, I keep on a, I'm feeling a
I need ya, I say I will
The point is too darn clear
I said I need ya, you're only, you're only
I said, you're only, you're only, you're only
You can't tell me how to run my life down
And you can't tell me how to keep my fitness sound
And you can't tell me what I'm doing wrong
When you keep dialing and sing that same old funny song
Like a dull knife that just can't cut
Just talkin' a lot and sayin' nothing
Just sayin' nothing, just sayin' nothing...

Wait a minute
Shape up your bag, don't worry about mine
My thing is together and doin' fine
Good luck to you over there
There's a lot of wrong
Just keep on singin', just keep on singin'
Just keep on singin', keep on singin'...
That same old funny song, that same old funny song...
Just keep on singin', keep on singin'...

Bobby, we're groovin' so great here
I want the engineer to let the tape keep runnin'
We're gonna do something funny right here
We're gonna stop real quick and rap a little
'Cause then we're gonna keep it goin'

Wait a minute, stop fellas, cool
I say keep on singin', keep on singin'
Keep on singin', keep on singin'...
Yeah, good God, Charlie
Huh, you can't tell me what I'm doing wrong
When you can't, can't do your own
You can't tell me how to feel, boy
What, when you're doin' wrong
When you know I'm grown
You can't tell me how to run my mess
You can't tell me, you can't tell me...
You just can't use me like a woman throw away her dress
You can't tell me how to run my mess
Shape, shape, shape, shape...
Shape, hard for me to say sometimes
It's my thing, you know
Shape, shape up your bag, don't worry about mine
My bag's together and doin' fine
Good luck to you, there's a lot of wrong
Good luck to you, there's a lot of wrong

Where is he, where is he, over there.

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